How to Spend Your Last Day on Holiday

When you only have a day left of the holiday, it can feel like you are simply running down the clock until it is time to go home. However, you aren’t back yet, and it makes sense that you squeeze every last drop out of the time that you still have available. Here are a few pointers that can help you to better spend those last hours of your time on holiday.
Pack the Night Before
Rather than having to rush around throwing everything into your suitcase, it makes sense that you pack everything up the night before. This way, you can enjoy a relaxing morning and don’t have to worry about this task. Plus, it gives you more of an opportunity to ensure that you are not going to forget anything. A lot of people end up in a situation where they lose precious stuff that they never end up getting back again unfortunately.
Find Somewhere to Store Your Stuff
Sometimes, people choose to leave stuff with their hotel or other accommodation until the end of the day. However, this may well not prove to be the best choice - especially if it is located on the edge of town and you have to think about getting back to the airport. Alternatively, you could look for a luggage storage location that will look after your stuff for you. This way, you don’t have to lug it all around with you while you are trying to enjoy the rest of your day.
Plan When You Need to Set Off to the Airport

Most people will end up flying off on the last day of their vacation, so work out when you need to set off to the airport and plan out the rest of your time accordingly. Ultimately, it makes sense that you have this time fixed in your mind early on. You should also think about how you are going to reach the airport. For example, if you are going to get the bus, it is worth looking at the timetable ahead of time, and perhaps even making a plan B in case anything unexpected happens and you aren’t able to get there by the original means that you had planned out.
Think of a Relaxed Activity
Once you have a big part of the logistics organised for your last day such as packing up and planning your route out of there, you can then plan a relaxed activity. You probably don’t want to be rushing around too much, so a simple trip to a museum or art gallery could fit the bill perfectly. Alternatively, it could be that you want to have a nice lunch with a few drinks in a scenic location. At this point in the trip, it is likely that you will have done most of what you want to, so there’s no point in adding anything too strenuous or stressful into the equation.
Do Some Last Minute Shopping
Another activity that people tend to leave until their last day of vacation is shopping for souvenirs or gifts for loved ones. So, this could be a great opportunity to hit the tourist shops. However, don’t forget how much luggage space that you have available. Many airlines tend to be quite strict with the dimensions of the suitcase or how much weight you are putting in your bags. You don’t want to end up adding more stress to your journey right at the final hurdle when you didn’t really need to.
Keep an Eye on the Time
How early you end up heading to the airport tends to vary from person to person. Some people like to be there with hours and hours to spare. Others are happy to go relatively last minute. It is often the case that there are two travellers of each personality type on a single trip. Since you will have already planned this out, all you need to do now is keep an eye on the time to ensure that you don’t exceed your limits. If you are taking part in an easy activity, it should be relatively straightforward to keep one eye on the time to ensure you are leaving at the right opportunity.
Plan Out Any Other Logistical Activities
There may be other logistical activities that you need to plan out ahead of time. One of the most common may be checking onto your flight ahead of time, which is a feature of many modern airlines and is often useful if you are travelling with minimal luggage. This can save you time and unnecessary headaches when you reach the other side. There may be other things that you need to plan out such as changing your currency back again.
Make Sure Your Devices Are Charged
When you are spending your last day on holiday out and about, it is all too easy for your devices to power down. So, don’t forget to bring a charging cable or portable charger with you to give your devices some last minute juice if you need to. Many people are reliant on their phones not only for directions, but also because they have tickets, boarding passes etc stored on them. You may also be planning to watch movies on the flight home, so you certainly don’t want to end up with a laptop that is not fully charged.
Hopefully, all of these tips should help you to plan out a relaxing last day on holiday. Ultimately, it is all about enjoying yourself but not trying to squeeze in too much. Plus, if you plan out the little logistical details, this will help to prevent any last minute disasters from derailing your trip right at the last minute. There is simply no point in stressing yourself out when you don’t need to. It all comes down to ensuring that you give yourself enough time and you aren’t rushing around, and you may even get the chance to enjoy some of the final hours that you have.