Smoking Alternatives to Help You Quit Smoking

Want to quit smoking but not sure if you can or if you're ready? Smoking is incredibly addictive, and there are thought to be around 6 million adults in the UK who smoke. While a significant number, this number is reducing as people successfully give up smoking each year.
A recent survey by The Independent found that 60% of smokers want to give up.
But is quitting really that easy? Actually, not so much. It's not impossible, but the nicotine, as many people are aware, in cigarettes is highly addictive, and the cravings experienced by people stopping, especially those going "cold turkey", can be extremely and incredibly difficult to move past even with the best of intentions. The NHS states that on its own, nicotine isn’t a harmful chemical; it is highly addictive but has no other health impacts; it's the combination of the chemicals used in tobacco that makes smoking harmful.
While there are many smoking cessation strategies you can employ, this post is going to look at your nicotine alternative products for those who want to remove the harmful health implications of tobacco but still get that nicotine hit to help combat the cravings until they're ready to quit.
So, what are your options in terms of nicotine-based products for those wanting an alternative to cigarettes and tobacco?
Nicotine Pouches
You can buy nicotine pouches that are tobacco-free but still contain nicotine, so you can use them to get that hit from smoking that your body will be craving. There is a more discreet and odourless alternative to smoking, and you can buy them in different strength flavours. They come in little tins you can easily take with you and are ideal for travellers, those who can't get outside frequently to smoke or don't want to disrupt events by having to excuse themselves to go outside to smoke or vape.
To use nicotine pouches, you simply place the teabag-like product between your gum and lip, and it delivers the nicotine into your system.
If it's the action of smoking you're going to miss, you can switch to vaping. Vapes don't contain tobacco, but they do contain nicotine, and like the pouches above, they come in a range of different flavours and strengths to help you control the hit you get and the taste experience you have.
Vaping has become really popular in recent years, with many people swapping the plume of smoke they produce from a toxic one to a sweeter, less harmful one for those around them.
While vaping might seem like a more harmless way to get your hit, the vape turns the liquid into a vapour that you inhale. It still has chemicals in it, some of which can be toxic, especially if consumed in excessive quantities.
There is still a long way to go in terms of research on the damaging effects vapes have on the body, but it is emerging that heavy users will be experiencing differing health issues, one of which being vaping or popcorn lungs, which is the inflammation and permanent scarring of the smallest branches of the lung giving it tharp popcorn effect.
Nicotine patches have been used for successfully stopping smoking for many years now, and they are a type of nicotine replacement therapy that can be extremely effective.
You simply apply the patch to your body in the morning and then change it each day. The patches deliver measured doses of nicotine throughout the day, providing constant support to keep your cravings under control.
The patches can be used alone or with other replacement therapy products to help you get the desired effects, and they work best with behavioural support to help you manage the withdrawal symptoms from smoking, i.e. low mood, irritability, and poor concentration.
Unlike some of the other options for quitting smoking, nicotine patches are generally thought to be safe and well tolerated by those wanting to stop smoking. However, there are some side effects you need to be aware of.
Nicotine Gum
Nicotine gum, like other therapies, delivers the nicotine hit conveniently. But while it's not like normal gum, it is a safe and effective option for managing your cravings.
You need to chew the gum when the cravings hit, and you need to chew it slowly until you feel a slight tingling in your mouth. Then, you need to stop chewing and place the gum between your cheek and gum, much like you do with nicotine pouches. When the tingling sensation is nearly gone, you continue to chew the gum but do not swallow it.
Like anything else, there is a possibility for side effects from nicotine gum, so it is important to discuss with your doctor if you experience any of these or if you are on medication that can interfere with them.
Nicotine Oral Inhaler
Another type of nicotine replacement therapy, inhalers, are prescription devices you can use to deliver nicotine to the body and help you get your cravings satisfied.
The inhalers are safe as they don't contain tobacco and are simple to use. You must insert a cartridge into the mouthpiece and inhale deeply to extract the nicotine. You might prefer shallow puffs compared to deep breaths to get the right dose, but each cartridge is equivalent to around 5 cigarettes per day based on a 15 mg dose of nicotine per cartridge.
Again, there might be some side effects, but if you want to replicate the smoking activity while getting your hit, then this could be an excellent option for you to try.
If quitting smoking is on the agenda, it is important that you understand the impact withdrawing your reliance on nicotine can have on your physical and mental health. Getting as much support as possible from your family, friends, and medical professionals can help you uncover the perfect nicotine replacement therapy to assist you in quitting smoking and moving toward a healthier lifestyle. These products can be instrumental in your journey to success and one step in your process to becoming smoke-free.