Best Fishing Farms for Gold Making in WoW the War Within
Many players see Fishing as a dull and pointless profession, but in fact, it can turn into a surprisingly profitable side hustle. If you spend just a couple of hours casting your line in the right spot, you might reel in catches worth a hefty amount of WoW gold. But what exactly should you be fishing for? To answer that question, we're here today with a list of big-value fish and other items you can snag from Azeroth's waters and sell for impressive sums at the Auction House.
So, whether you're an avid angler or just someone looking for extra income, grab your fishing rod, and let's dive into the best farms to make your fortune!

Getting Ready
Before we get to the actual farms, let's quickly go over what you'll need to make your farming easier and more profitable.
The simplest and most effective advice would be to level up your Fishing profession. Your skill level directly impacts your drops and the quality of items you can catch, so it's important to get as high as possible to maximize your profits. As for stats, you should focus on Perception, as it increases your chances of catching rare fish and Darkmoon Cards.
Your Fishing gear can make or break your success, so look for equipment that boosts your Fishing skill and Perception. Here are some recommendations:
- Profession Tools: Aqirite Fisherfriend, crafted by Engineers, provides a buff to your skill and Perception, with the strength of the buff depending on the item's rank. You can enhance it further with the Algari Weaverline enchant for an additional Perception boost. If you cannot get the blue version, the green Bismuth Fisherfriend is a solid alternative.
- Fishing-Specific Gear: Equip items like the Artisan Fishing Cap (or its green version, Weavercloth Fishing Cap) and Boots of the Bay for more skill bonuses.
- Consumables: Use items such as Ghoulfish Delight, Phial of Truesight, Whispering Squirmworm, and Kalu'ak Figurine to further enhance your skill and Perception.
And finally, keep in mind that all the prices mentioned in this guide are approximate, so you must always check the current Auction House rates on your realm before farming.
Most items we cover here can also be flipped for profit, buying them cheaply on dead realms and reselling on busier ones at a much higher price. Tools like Undermine.Exchange can help compare prices and find the best opportunities.
Top Fishing Farms That Can Help You Get Rich
Design: "Rhinestone" Sunglasses
The "Rhinestone" Sunglasses cosmetic item is a revamped version of the original Rhinestones from Cataclysm, with a slightly updated color scheme. Learning this design allows players to craft the sunglasses, which makes the pattern itself extremely valuable. At the Auction House, the new Rhinestone design often sells for 300,000-400,000 gold, with some realms reporting prices as high as 600,000.
The design is found in an item called Draconic Recipe in a Bottle. It contains a variety of valuable patterns, recipes, and schematics, but the true prize is, of course, the Rhinestone design. There are multiple ways to farm Draconic Recipe: it drops from Tuskarr Tackleboxes and can also be fished in Shimmering Treasure Pools, River Mouth Fishing Holes, and multiple locations around The Waking Shores, The Azure Span, Ohn'ahran Plains and Thaldraszus.
Alternatively, you can combine this farm with a very profitable mob-based strategy. It involves targeting Sir Pinchalot, a rare mob who spawns at 23.0, 66.8 on Morqut Islet. While Sir Pinchalot's default loot doesn't include the Draconic Recipe, you can add it to his possible drops by using a special bait item: the Elusive Croaking Crab. Activating the bait will force Sir Pinchalot to respawn within 5 to 10 minutes, adding bonus loot that includes the sought-after Draconic Recipe. You can fish for Elusive Croaking Crab across The Forbidden Reach. This bait can also be sold for around 5,000-7,000 gold, which gives you an excellent way to earn a quick profit if you don't plan to continue farming for the Draconic Recipe.
Steelscale Crushfish
This rare transmog piece can be fished up in Darkmoon Island, Northern Stranglethorn, and the Wetlands. Most players report the highest success rate along the shores near Grom'gol Base Camp when fishing directly from open waters.
This fish is highly valuable, typically selling for 300,000-500,000 gold on populated realms, with prices sometimes reaching up to 700,000 gold. On rare occasions, it's even been listed for nearly 1 million gold. If you're browsing low-population servers, you might find this item priced at around 50,000-60,000 gold, which gives you a fantastic flipping opportunity. Snag it at a bargain price and resell on a high-pop realm for a huge profit!
Darkwood Fishing Pole
The Darkwood Fishing Pole is a highly sought-after transmog item that's both rare and incredibly valuable, with prices reaching up to 500,000 gold.
Here are some of the best spots to cast your line:
- Ashenvale: Lakes near Stardust Spire and Silverwind Refuge
- Arathi Highlands: Waters south of Stromgarde Keep
- Northern Stranglethorn: The western bank of the river near Nesingwary's Expedition and Venture Co. Base Camp
- Duskwood: The riverbank directly north of Darkshire
- Hillsbrad Foothills: The pond under Tarren Mill or the river between Tarren Mill and Durnholde Keep
- Redridge Mountains: Lake Everstill
- Wetlands: Near Greenwarden's Grove
As for the drop rate, it usually boils down to pure luck—some players land the item in just 10 casts, while others grind for hours across thousands of casts before finally reeling it in.
Tome of Polymorph: Turtle
This is a cool Mage item, allowing you to incapacitate your target for 1 minute by transforming it into a turtle. The Tome can be fished on any character, even if they aren't a Mage, from any Cataclysm pool in Uldum, Twilight Highlands, and Tol Barad Peninsula. Auction House prices for the item can reach up to 500,000 gold.
If you're targeting Albino Cavefish Schools while fishing for the Tome, you can also farm Albino Cavefish, a valuable crafting material for Deepstone Oil, which is essential in making the Vial of the Sands mount. By combining these farms, you can ensure a steady gold flow even if the Tome takes some time to drop.
Broken Wine Bottle
This is a rare transmog weapon that's highly sought after for its unique look. You can fish for it in the lake near the Sludge Fen in The Barrens, directly from open waters. At the Auction House, this item typically sells for around 200,000 gold, but its value might as well spike to 500,000-700,000 gold on populated servers.
Strange Goop
Strange Goop can be found in the lake south of the Forge of Afterlives in Zereth Mortis. It's a very in-demand item, mainly because of its use in crafting the Aurelid Lure bait needed to summon Hirukon, a rare mob that drops the secret Deepstar Aurelid mount. As for the price, Strange Goop can easily fetch around 100,000 gold on most servers. On some realms, prices can go as high as 200,000 gold or more, and you can always expect quick sales and consistent income.
Dark Herring
This unique dagger can be caught both from pools and open waters in the northern areas of Howling Fjord, with the lake near Camp Winterhoof being the most popular farming spot. The item typically sells for 150,000-200,000 gold, but on some servers, the price can climb to as high as 300,000 gold.
Stendel's Wedding Band
Last but not least, we have Stendel's Wedding Band, an item that might surprise some players by even being on this list.
On RP realms, this ring sells exceptionally well and can net you anywhere from 100,000 to 300,000 gold at the Auction House. To obtain it, you need to fish up Stendel's Bane, a special fish found exclusively in Westfall, in a small pond near Moonbrook. While farming for the band, you also have a chance to loot the legendary The 1 Ring, a rare item with a price exceeding 1,000,000 gold on some servers. So if you're lucky enough to catch it, you're in for a massive payday!